Map for Administrative Units has the following features:
1. Map viewing and moving:
- Displaying a map in any size area of the website.
- Moving the map with your mouse or keyboard cursors.
- Zooming in the map using the map scale bar, the mouse wheel or by using the zoom in rectangle
- Zooming out the map using the map scale bar or mouse wheel.
- Address Search:
- a.The search for an address on the basis of a postal code (returning all the localities having certain postal code along with the main town at the beginning).
- a.Finding the address on the name of the town, street, number – the system automatically tells us what is possible when you type a few first letters. Depending on the information entered, the map indicates the locality center, the center of the street or location of the particular address.
2. Calculating the distance:
- Route calculation between any locations using three methods: quickest, shortest and cheapest with a full report giving route information on distance, time, cost. Route limited to a maximum of 5 points.
- Route calculation depending on the means of transport – passenger vehicle, truck or pedestrian.
- Route calculation taking into account the current difficulties on the roads and highways.
- Distance calculation between points in a straight line.
3. POIs:
The default application includes the following layers of POIs:
- Administrative Units
- Pubs and restaurants
- Financial institutions
- Centers of culture and entertainment
- Sports centers
- Institutions of education
- Petrol stations
- Transportation and tourist centers
- Shopping facilities
- Health care centers
4. Other functions:
- Possibility to report comments / errors occurred on the map – proposed amendments to the data will be available on a quarterly basis.
- You can additionally apply special layers, such as for example:
- administrative boundaries,
- tourist trails.
- 3D objects representing the objects / buildings of special interest with their descriptions, eg.
- Ski-lifts
- Other POIs layers – beauty spots
- Bicycle lanes
- Public transport map
- Tooltips -window presentation (picture + a brief description+ link to the page) of the added object:
All items marked on the site will be further promoted through the use in the applications of global navigation software tycoons such as NavNGo, Igo, and MIO.